2015 Reflction

something that I have enjoyed is learning all about poetry and doing cross country and run bike run.
challenges that I have had coming up with ideas for the different poems that we have learnt.
a proud moment is coming first place in year four girls cross country.

My portrait

In term one we painted our self portrait. I am happy and proud of my portrait because


In year 4 we have be  learning some  Gymnastics.  We have be learning some moves like Circle roll  , elephant roll  

fast and furius

0ne sunny morning I was  playing soccer and I went into the garage to get the ball as I went to reach the ball I heard a nosie I listend to the nosie and I followed it and when I found what it was it was a... baby dragon and I took him to my room. I decided to call him  Flame. He is green and cute he has blue eyes. It was friday and I had to go to school so I put  flame into my bag when I got to school I was two hours  late when he was in my bag he sneezed and when he sneezed fire came out of his mouth and burned my home communication book. When we had to highlight our home communication book I went into my bag and got it out and saw my burnt home communication  book and flame said I am really sorry but when I sneezed instead of snot fire came out of my mouth I said to flame that was only accident but I have to highlight what I can and then take it up to the teacher and get her to sign it o'oh I'am in so much trouble . So I quickly fulled in my book and immediately took it up to the teacher nervously and ... she said''' you are to go to the office to be sent home '''. I was kind of happy because that  meant I could spend more  time to play with Flame and  to teach flame to fly high and to teach  him lot's of tricks.


This week my math  group has been learning about algorithem