Learner Qualities: Be Self Aware

Oakland School Learner Qualities
Be Self Aware (Excellence Value): SML tasks

Be self aware
I know my learning goals.
I know how I learn best.
Think about and reflect on:
  • How have I been managing my time with completing my SML Tasks?
  • How well have I been completing them?
  • Have I been completing my MUST Dos each week?
  • Have I been organised enough to complete bonus tasks?

What is my learning goal?
IALT manage my time well so I complete all my “MUST Do” SML Tasks each week
What has been going well?
Mathletics because I have been getting 1500 points every week.
What have I been learning to do to get the tasks done?
I work only with the people that I work well with so I get more done.
Which tasks have I completed well?  Why?
Writing, Reading and Maths because I use my time wisely and focus on getting my follow up tasks completed on time and to a high standard.
Mathletics because I use my time wisely and do most of it at home. Each week I get 1500 points or more.
40 book challenge because I like and enjoy reading. I am now up to about 45 books logged.
Which tasks have been challenging?  Why?  None
What are some other bonus tasks I would like to do? Maybe Fast Facts  
My next step is…….. To get up to 60 books in the book challenge.

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